Figure 9: Example – Digital Skills Assessment within Marketing Function Digital-Native Marketers at younger companies born in the digital age (e.g. Email Marketing % Manager at VC-backed start-up) 76 Corporate Marketers at long-standing corporations that are transforming in the digital % age (e.g. Brand Manager at CPG) 44 Non-Marketers work in functions outside Marketing (e.g. Sales, IT, HR, % Legal, Creative) 38 In addition to sourcing talent across several internal and Figure 10: Cost Reduction of Radical Reskilling vs external workforces, companies need to consider reskilling Traditional Hiring for Software Engineers over Three rather than expensive recruitment of in-demand talent. Years General Assembly found that “radical reskilling” is 63% more 28 cost-effective than recruiting external software engineers. >$20,000 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and virtual learning are tools that scale and flex quickly to enable radical reskilling and meet changing market conditions. $5,000 – It is neither through ‘cheap labour’ nor through attracting $10,000 a narrow set of the ‘best and the brightest’ and winning a ‘war for talent’ that countries can optimize their long- term human capital potential, but through building up deep, diverse and resilient talent pools and skills ecosystems in their economies that allow for inclusive participation in good-quality, skilled jobs by the largest possible number of people. Traditional Radical Hiring Reskilling World Economic Forum – Human Capital Report, 2017 18 Operating Models for the Future of Consumption
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