This report provides comprehensive, business-process-level views of distributed ledger technology implementations within each financial services function This report’s detailed findings are designed to be consumed according to business affinity and interest. The table below shows the location of each use case, which can be read independently of each other. 1 Context and Approach Anoverview of current global DLT activity and the analysis methodology 2 Executive Summary Asummary of the use case deep-dives through six key findings 3 Use Case Deep-Dive Approach An introduction of selected use cases, the analysis structure and high-potential use case characteristics 4 Use Case Deep-Dive Summaries A summary of the key findings of each use case organized by financial services function Use Case Deep-Dive Modules Ninebusiness-process-level analyses of a use case’s current state and transformed future state enabled by DLT Each use case can be read individually according to the table below: 5 Global Payments 46 P&CClaims Processing 56 SyndicatedLoans 65 Trade Finance 74 Contingent Convertible Bonds 83 Automated Compliance 92 Proxy Voting 101 Asset Rehypothecation 110 Equity Post-Trade 119 WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM | 2016 31
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