engagement, and the creation of different communities, such as artners and €embers To inform those communities, it created its own research and nowledge The story generating capabilities, starting in ‚ƒ„ƒ with the Global Competitiveness Report Today, it focuses on strengthening impact through n 1970 as a young roessor numerous initiatives and pro…ects, which with strong usiness have helped improve the lives of hundreds of millions of people eerience wrote a oo on moern management The orld Economic orum’s role as the escriing what is toay calle trusted global platform for staeholder engagement was recognied in †‡‚ˆ, when the sta eholer concet€ t it concluded a host state agreement with recogni‚e that the usiness ‰witerland to become the International o usiness was not simly Organiation for ublicrivate Cooperation In †‡‚ƒ, that was further strengthened by a serƒing shareholer interests strategic partnership framewor agreement ut eƒeryone who has a with the Šnited Nations sta e in the “well…eing” o ‰ince its founding, the orum has the enterrise‡ emloyees developed as a powerful public platform customers an society€ engaging the global audience, but it has also served as a place for private dialogue That boo inspired the first Davos meeting and reconciliation in ‚ƒ„‚, creating a platform for business to As we now face the ourth Industrial meet and interact with all its staeholders ‹evolution, I am convinced of the This led to the creation of the notfor staeholder concept’s relevance The profit foundation which is today the orld orld Economic orum – and its wor with Economic orum leaders from all areas of global society – Over the last half century, the staeholder has never been more vital concept has significantly evolved Corporations are now being called upon to serve as coowners of our global future ‰ince its creation, the orum has gone through several phases of development In the very beginning, it created a global convening of leaders, helping them to understand the nascent challenges of environment and ine‘uality To deal with these challenges re‘uired trust, sustained Professor ƒlaus chab Founder and E€ecutive Chairman of the World Economic Forum 8 9
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