First Name Last Name Position Organization Email Country Industry sector Regis date Pedro Veloso Deputy Chief Executive Jerónimo Martins Portugal RC-Retail, 06-12- Officer, Sociedade Consumer Francisco Manuel dos Goods & Santos (SFMS) Lifestyle Christian Lucas Co-Head, Europe, Middle Silver Lake Portugal PI-Private 12-08- East and Africa Investors Claudia Azevedo Chief Executive Officer Sonae Portugal RC-Retail, 21-09- Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Catherine Mulligan European Research Area University of Lisbon Portugal 29-11- Chair, Blockchain; Professor of Computer Science Sheikh Al Abdulla Al Minister of Commerce Ministry of Qatar 23-11- Mohammed Thani and Industry Commerce and bin Hamad Industry of Qatar bin Qassim Ali Ahmed Al Kuwari Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Qatar 05-12- of Qatar Mohammed Al Thani Deputy Prime Minister Ministry of Foreign Qatar 07-11- Bin and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Abdulrahman Affairs Sheikha Al Thani Deputy Chief Executive Qatar Financial Qatar II-Institutional 15-08- Alanoud Bint Officer Centre (QFC) Investors Hamad Yousuf Mohamed Al- Chief Executive Officer Qatar Financial Qatar II-Institutional 15-08- Jaida Centre (QFC) Investors Ahmed Ali Al-Hammadi Chief Investment Officer, Qatar Investment Qatar II-Institutional 10-11- Europe Authority Investors Mansoor Bin Al-Mahmoud Chief Executive Officer Qatar Investment Qatar II-Institutional 14-11- Ebrahim Authority Investors Faisal Bin Al-Thani Chief Investment Officer, Qatar Investment Qatar II-Institutional 10-11- Thani Africa and Asia-Pacific Authority Investors Melanie Dunn Chief Communications Qatar Investment Qatar II-Institutional 10-11- Officer Authority Investors Abdulla Al Khalifa Chief Executive Officer Qatar National Bank Qatar BK-Banking & 25-10- Capital Markets Woosuk Choi Editor Chosun Daily Republic of ME-Media, 26-10- Newspaper Korea Entertainment and Sport Sohn Kyung-Shik Chairman CJ Republic of RC-Retail, 08-12- Korea Consumer Goods & Lifestyle Kim Young Hoon Chairman and Chief Daesung Group Republic of EU-Energy 19-08- Executive Officer Korea Utilities Koh Jean Chairman Digital Platform Republic of 10-11- Government Korea Shin Sang-Hoon Co-Founder and Global Greenlabs Republic of 28-10- Chief Executive Officer Korea Hur Sae-Hong President and Chief GS Caltex Republic of OG-Oil & Gas 26-09- Executive Officer Korea Dong-Seon Kim Chief Strategy Officer Hanwha Group Republic of CH-Chemicals 02-12- Korea Dong Kwan Kim Chief Executive Officer, Hanwha Group Republic of CH-Chemicals 02-11- Hanwha Solutions and Korea Hanwha Aerospace; Vice- Chairman Jeeyoung Park Senior Executive Vice- Hanwha Group Republic of CH-Chemicals 01-12- President; Head, Brand Korea Dong Won Kim Alumni, Global Shapers Republic of IS-Insurance & 01-12- Community Korea Asset Management H. S. Cho Vice-Chairman Hyosung Group Republic of CH-Chemicals 23-08- Korea Jay Chang Jaehoon President and Chief Hyundai Motor Republic of AU-Automotive 18-11- Executive Officer Korea Chung Euisun Executive Chair Hyundai Motor Republic of AU-Automotive 30-09- Korea Jina Kang Independent Member of Hyundai Motor Republic of AU-Automotive 08-12- the Board and Executive Korea Member of the Corporate Sustainability Committee Lee Kwang-Hyung President Korea Advanced Republic of Universities / 31-10- Institute of Science Korea Schools and Technology (KAIST) Chul Nam President LG Chem Republic of CH-Chemicals 21-10- Korea