Appendices Appendix A: Eight Disruptive Technologies – Value Chain Applications The use of disruptive technologies across the entire value chain is driving high-impact benefits through a range of applications and has become a key source of value creation. Consumer Industries Value Chain – Technology and Use-Cases Disruptive Recent Design & Manufacture, Distribute Sell After Sales Technology Development Innovation Plan & Buy & Move IOT is enabling data • Foundational use-cases: quality management; storage conditions control; fleet sharing within the management; digital stores; real-time omnichannel marketing; electronic shelf labels; beacons & geolocation; wearables Internet of ecosystem across the • Emerging use-cases: automated replenishment; remote diagnostics;predictive Things (IoT) entire value chain maintenance • Pioneering use-cases: living services; real-time engagement feedback Advancing technology • Foundational use-cases: Self-driving commercial trucks; Last mile delivery; continues to open Self-driving drones possibilities in • Emerging use-cases: Self-driving personal automobiles; Self-driving public Autonomous distribution efficiency transportation (buses, etc..) Vehicles/Drones • Pioneering use-cases: Drone consumer intelligence; Dronevertising New models for • Foundational use-cases: Trend and volume forecasting; Descriptive analytics; ‘Human+Machine’ Chatbots; After-sales service; Robotics Process Automation; Development augmentation are Operations Automation Artificial emerging, extending • Emerging use-cases: Predictive recommendations; Smart Search from supply chain Assistance; Intelligent S&OP planning; Stock allocation forecasting; AI-assisted Intelligence/ operations to customer- merchandising; Dynamic pricing Machine Learning • Pioneering use-cases: Scenario-driven prescriptive analytics; Brain-simulation facing applications ideation; DNA workforce profiling Robotic-enabled manufacturing lowers • Foundational use-cases: Robotics-enabled prototyping; Robotic manufacturing; operational costs, Robotic picking enabling repatriation of • Emerging use-cases: Automated warehouse; Automated sales assistants; manufacturing to bring Automated customer support Robotics production closer to the • Pioneering use-cases: Co-bots; Cognitive robotics; Dark manufacturing; Robotic shopping carts end-consumer Consumer demand for • Foundational use-cases: Product source tracking; inventory replenishment; trust and transparency Supply chain product traceability; Merchandise tracking; Product authenticity Digital Traceability continue to increase mapping; Product warranty The convergence of • Foundational use-cases: Prototyping; In-store product printing; R&D with prototyping Real-time manufacturing and manufacturing is • Emerging use-cases: In-store ‘point-of-sale marketing’ printing; effectively shrinking the In-store customization 3D Printing supply chain • Pioneering use-cases: Real-time inventory production; 3D printed fashion; Custom promotional material; Custom workplace solutions Application of AR/ VR growing to include • Foundational use-cases: Virtual planogramming; Product design; training the workforce Virtual retail locations; AR/VR engagement and facilitating • Emerging use-cases: Virtual changing rooms; Immersive campaigns; Augmented Reality/ Human+Machine Virtual training environments Virtual Reality collaboration in • Pioneering use-cases: Virtual market research, Virtual sourcing; Virtual customer service; Virtual hiring manufacturing New applications • Foundational use-cases: Authenticity verification; Supply-chain verification; emphasize trusted Online wallet; Transaction verification verification of • Emerging use-cases: Employee data verification; Education transcript Blockchain individually held verification; Professional credentials (e.g. legal) verification information • Pioneering use-cases: Smart contracts; Warranty tracking; Shared ledgers Operating Models for the Future of Consumption 25